Saturday, March 3, 2007

What causes loneliness ? Is it the lack of companionship or the lack of a zest towards life…or is loneliness a mental situation, a work of an overactive imagination ?
What is sorrow ? Is it the gloom of grief or the failed search for happiness...or is sorrow a realization of an ultimate loss ?
What is despair ? Is it a sense of hopelessness or is it a defeat by faith ?
What loneliness, sorrow and despair mean, I may not know, but what happiness means I do know.
Happiness to me is my life, the celebration of life around me, the power to see the trivial joys of live and the capacity to be satisfied.
Happiness is accepting the challenges and smiling through my pains. Happiness is realizing that life is beautiful even with the presence of loneliness, grief and despair. Happiness, for me is my lifeline !
What happens when I’m sad ? What happens when I’m hurt ? I don’t get a shoulder to cry on every time, I don’t have an assurance about the good times ahead. But happy memories are my cushion, my shoulder to rest on. My strength acquired in the past to help me find happiness in distress.
So when I experience a moment of happiness, I savor it and then cherish it ’cause its only memories that will remain, long after the moment has passed. The same memories that are my passport to happiness !
No grief is as large as it is conceived to be. It all lies in the mind. Grief is temporary, short lived, but it is happiness that is permanent. So look for happiness in the small joys of life, for unlike loneliness, sorrow and despair, happiness is a gift given by god.
And as Bertrand Russell said, “To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness” !

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