Monday, October 22, 2007


if exams cud b substituted with chocolate cakes, life wudn't b that bad. just imagine....a chocolate cake everyday for 10 days in a row, a chocolate cake lasting for 3 whole hrs, a chocolate cake that may start losing its charm n taste ( really sad if that happens, but then great too since i'll get off my addiction!) n a chocolate cake that ur forced to eat! wow! sounds good indeed.

wit exams in 3 weeks, i'm going crazy, n this post may just substantiate that!! but i just cant help but think of a yummy chocolate cake on my desk wen i walk into that huge, depressing classroom of mine. n wen manna sir, the 70 yr old prof. we've got who always kinda gives us a look that says "u ppl r so doomed! u hav to take exams! i dont. i am thru giving exams. its time to enjoy now while u ppl suffer n i make u fail" walks in, i cud jus give him the look that says "u oldie....u r so doomed! u r old n diabetic n cant have this cake but i can"!!

aaah! life's good.


~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

Too much of chocolate....
hmmm....Mota hoye jaabi!!!!...

amna said...

hehehe.. choc cake for exams.. nice thot!!! :)

The Walker said...

It's always greener on the other side, Madhurima. I now wish I could write exams and not eat chocolate cake. I guess age does that to you :(

When I was in school, I longed to be at college, in college, I longed to be at work, now I long to be at college! And the best times were the exam times...

Cheers! And best of luck for your exams.

ad libber said...

Oh why do exams matter? We all have to die someday, should death be embittered with the pain of examinations? Won't we be better employed trying to find the meaning of life?

Yeah my results are due any day now and I would so have excelled if it had been a chocolate cake.

Loved your Pujo post.